Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bedtime Stories

Tonight my wife and three kids went to see Disney's newest film Bedtime Stories. We all really liked it, my 4 year old especially. I left the theatre looking like I peed my pants from my 2 year old dumping his drink on me, but thats about typical. The movie is about a guy who discovers that the bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew at night are coming true in his everyday real life. He begins altering his real life with the stories he tells to them. How cool would that be if we could dream up our tomorrow, and have it come true? I know my life would be so different, I'd be driving an 03 Cobra Mustang, while my car wash guy washes my fleet in the 30 car garage. I would have every Mac product on the market, my home 4th home in the Matterhorn at DL would be our weekend getaway, and my kids would serve me daily as God intended them to - at least I think that was Gods purpose in kids right? Anyway, I wonder how different other peoples lives would look if they were able to control their tomorrows. 

I met with a band today we have playing for our youth New Years Eve party we have going on tomorrow. Their an amazing screemo band called "The Waiting Ends".
One of the guys in the band was telling me about a friend of his who is leaving for Mexico tomorrow for about six months to do some missions work. He explained how his friend felt God calling him there less then a month ago, but that his friend didn't hesitate a moment and immediately began making plans to follow this call God placed on his life.

My favorite verse in the Bible is only a couple words long but to me has huge impact; it's Acts 3:12. The NLT says "Peter saw his opportunity, and addressed the crowd".  In this we see that Peter was first looking for an opportunity to be used, but then he did something so many including myself seem to struggle with, he took action. He saw his opportunity, and went for it.
I wonder how many of us are like Peter, or like this guy who is leaving for Mexico. How many of us would just uproot and leave the comforts of home if God called us to tomorrow? It's easy to say, "I would," but I think if that were true, we'd see many people living totally different lives then the one's they live now. 

If we could control our lives like in this Disney movie, most of would be living a different life then the one we're living now. But the thing is, God can alter our tomorrows, the issue is that we generally don't give him the control he needs to do so. If we did, I believe our lives might look quite a bit different. It's my goal to give God every aspect of my life, holding nothing to myself, not my job, not my hobbies, not my spare time, because I can't control my tomorrow, but giving my life over to someone who can is pretty cool. He may not always - or ever do what we would do, but I've found that it generally works out better that way in the end. God seems to know what he's doing! 

I wonder what our lives would look like if we gave God every single piece of it, how would it be different, what would we be doing, where would we be living if we allowed God to tell the bedtime story of our life? Wow that was pretty deep eh? Ok maybe not, but it makes me think.

Jeremiah 29:11 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jason. I just had a couple thoughts about what you wrote.

    I would suggest that if you want to submit your life to God that you stop talking about Disneyland so much, and actually get into the God's Word more.

    You talk about submitting your mind to Christ, but you never stop talking about Disneyland. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" right?

    Anyways, it is cool that you have started blogging. Check out my newest blog about the Gospel (sure you are surprised about that subject) and tell me what you think!

    A The Gospel of Jesus Christ
